They would get reprimanded by their superior officer for admitting it. They probably have a list on their cubicle wall of what they are and are not allowed to say.
It’s nowhere in the Wikipedia article though. I really am asking for any info at all on this, and don’t get why no one is giving me any even though everyone here thinks it’s so obvious
Dawg it’s in the fucking Wikipedia article. Your own side admits U$ involvement in the Maidan.
How do you not know your own lines?
*You got banned so I can’t see your replies in the grad. It’s in the “revolution of dignity” wiki article.
They cannot admit maidan was an US coup because their entire narrative of the war hinges on this.
They would get reprimanded by their superior officer for admitting it. They probably have a list on their cubicle wall of what they are and are not allowed to say.
It’s nowhere in the Wikipedia article though. I really am asking for any info at all on this, and don’t get why no one is giving me any even though everyone here thinks it’s so obvious