Fml the sun’s about to come up and I still can’t fall asleep. Dear Brain, please shut up.

(side thought: was that basically my brain telling itself to shut up? Useless things like this keep me up at night lol…)

Edit: well hello Mr. Sun. Seems like a lot of people leave their phones outside but I feel like it’d add to my insomnia, having me wonder if family might try to contact me with an emergency. Saw some good suggestions so I will definitely give those a try, thank you!

    2 年前

    I give my brain alternative stimulus that doesn’t require a phone or eye movement. Also known as: daydreaming. I think about what I want my future garden to look like, how I’m going to work through my next building project, or anything that I can neutrally think about until my body can relax enough to pass out. It can’t be anything that elicits strong emotions or I’ll get all riled up and toss and turn forever.