English is burdened with a culture that emphasize empirialism, capitalism, individualism and so on. A culture that ignores climate catostraphy, global inequality and brings disproportionate attention to countries with english as national language. Additionally english is the language of Trump, Boris Johnson, Margareth Thatcher and George Bush jr… Protest the english language by embracing esperanto.

Break language segregation! Today, the world is segregated by language. It is very resource heavy to learn a new ethnic language.

Esperanto is like other constructed languages made to be easy to learn through consistent grammer, phonetics and morphemes. You know how to pronounce a sentence. You can determine the type of word by looking at the last letter. Even if you havent seen a particular word before, the chances are that you can predict its meaning if you know the morphemes. It is estimated that it requires a tenth in time investment to learn esperanto compares to ethnic languages.

The world language is political and it enables english imperialism.

Look up your local esperanto group. Learn it. Talk about it. With collegues, friends, acquantances and family. Engage your local community. Influence!

Some useful resources: Dictionary https://lernu.net/vortaro ActivityPub https://esperanto.masto.host Nice esperanto course: Kurso de Esperanto

  • roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    It’s a more modern attempt to do the same thing. I can skim wikipedia to find the main differences:

    • It’s vocab was designed by computer to be familiar to speakers of all major languages (not just europeans).
    • No diacritics.
    • It doesn’t use prefixes and suffixes to indicate parts of the sentence. It uses word order.

    But TBH it doesn’t matter which one is chosen. The important thing is to agree on one constructed language, and create a large international body of speakers - larger than the body of English speakers.

    Later on, it will be easy to refine the language, or switch to a different one.

    And here is an actual list from the lojban wiki:


    • is designed to express complex logical constructs precisely.
    • has no irregularities or ambiguities in spelling and grammar (although word derivation relies on arbitrary variant forms). This gives rise to high intelligibility for computer parsing.
    • is designed to be as culturally neutral as possible.
    • allows highly systematic learning and use, compared to most natural languages.
    • possesses an intricate system of indicators which effectively communicate contextual attitude or emotions.