I feel like the TikTok ban is only the start.

The US is pissed that it couldn’t 100% control the narrative on Israel genociding Palestine and sees the internet as the reason why. They’ve already put a lot of effort into homogenising and controlling the narrative on most big social media sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if they started cracking down more under the guise of “stopping misinformation”

  • Greenleaf [he/him]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    Yes. For years now, when I’ve engaged with libs on the topic of free speech (usually w/r/t China), I point out that the amount of free speech the people of a country have is directly related to how much of a threat that speech is perceived to be by ruling powers. China has relatively free speech but it’s still a socialist country living in a capitalist world that wants it dead, so it’s not totally unfettered.

    Libs love to tout about how Americans have totally free speech (debatable, but still). But up until recently, free speech hasn’t been a threat to power in the US. So sure, let the peasants have free speech, it won’t actually change anything.

    Well now it seems that the ruling class do perceive a threat. They thought they could control speech in the internet age by making sure the biggest social media outlets are firmly under their thumb. They have Facebook, Google, and Twitter. But TikTok changed the game. The fact that it’s from China is a happy coincidence for them - if it was instead from a vassal state or some relatively powerless state outside their orbit, they would have muscled their way in.

    Not being able to control the narrative is a threat, so that speech needs to be restricted.