Best job i ever had was maintenance guy at a nursing home. Loved it. Rewarding. Fulfilling. Paid only $10.75/hr so i left it and ‘developed my career’ and now im ‘successful’ but at least once a week i have dreams where im back in the home hanging pictures, flirtin with the ol gals, being useful.

So when people ask ‘who fixes toilets under communism?’ my answer is a resounding ‘me. I will fix the toilets.’

    5 months ago

    Happiest I’ve ever been at work has been fixing and cleaning things that needed it.

    The thing that always stopped it was the inhumane work conditions and lack of respect. If you’re happy to treat me as an equal, and make me a cup of tea when I take a break to stretch my back and knees I’ll do the dirty shitty work for you.

    If you want me to work to the point of damaging my body and then raise your voice at me if you see me taking a damn breather then we’re gonna have a problem.