Since countering Aldean’s claim the video only contains “real news footage,” Destinee Stark has received a wave of hateful messages from defenders of the song.

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    2 年前

    That’s a terrible way to judge it. Part of the effect of systemic racism is that it obscures itself. Part of the tactics of white supremecy is to gaslight and deny. The people who chose to shoot this video at the site of a lynching and race massacre know that this video is racist as fuck, but they deny it and obscure it. It’s dog whistling and it’s not even that subtle.

    I’m sure if it ask Kanye or Clarence they have no problems with the messaging in the video. Maybe it’s because they are tokens or maybe it’s because they don’t recognize the symbolism of lynching black people at a courthouse.

    What do academics and social scientists say, students of history and anthropology?

    The video says that in small town, the law will not protect you from extrajudicial murder if you burn a flag, which is a lawful, First Amendment protected activity. Any attempt to deny, excuse, or justify this messaging is yet another act of complete, unironic ignorance, or is intentional gaslighting.