What does it mean to be a Hero? Humphry, once one of the greatest, will be forced out of retirement when a mysterious figure from his past threatens Albion's...
It’s be nice for social networks to have features where you can just pattern-match off of idiot dogwhistle comments like Sweet Baby and automatically block users bringing them up. I have to do it for YouTube and thankfully the incel videos have toned down a little, but every once in a while I get a “Men are OPPRESSED”.
Looks like Sweet Baby Inc sat next to the director’s chair. Yuck.
It’s be nice for social networks to have features where you can just pattern-match off of idiot dogwhistle comments like Sweet Baby and automatically block users bringing them up. I have to do it for YouTube and thankfully the incel videos have toned down a little, but every once in a while I get a “Men are OPPRESSED”.
Get a life, dork.
What are you whining about?
What is that?
Can you please explain what you see that makes you say that? I truly want to understand (it doesn’t mean I will agree)