Could someone point me to communities of the following if they exist:

  • Reuse, Upcycling and/or Repurposing
  • Knowledge graphs and/or Semantic Web
  • Steganography

Thanks in advance :)

    11 months ago

    Maybe off-topic answers since you probably specifically meant fediverse communities, but here’s my thoughts:

    • Local Buy Nothing groups can be a great way to keep things in use and out of landfills.
    • I would think any craft communities might be a great way to get general ideas.
    • I see what you did there.

    Just my thoughts, fwiw.

    211 months ago

    I keep thinking about a conversation I had with someone that you should replaced your shoes every few hundred kilometers, and based on the number they gave me I would have to buy new shoes every two months. I took this as a challenge to wear my shoes till the bittter end. In the last two and a half years I had to reglue some spots and by now the soles are worn through on most parts, so it is getting time. But why cant I repair and jeep using them for longer?

    • @hummy_beeOP
      111 months ago

      Doesn’t matter (the days old part), thanks so much. Very relevant to the headspace I’m in currently