It can be anything: at your job or any forced activity that you just don’t feel like doing surrounded by other people. Visiting certain place, local, party, etc. It can be anything: at your job or any forced activity that you just don’t feel like doing surrounded by other people. Visiting certain place, local, party, etc.

I had to accompany my young brother to a small comic con thing a month ago and I was cringing HARD in that place I couldn’t bear being there, I just kept my head down most of the time otherwise I would’ve just start laughing or rolling my eyes looking all that adult people dressed like it’s a shitty Halloween party.

    3 months ago

    Sitting around politely listening to someone poorly play music or worse, poorly sing. This has happened very rarely to me,and the bad guitar was embarrassing but the other instances, the singing, where we all were trying and failing not to wince at every high note and marveled at exactly how long a 3 and a half minute song could really be while this poor wretch clearly had no idea what he sounded like…god that was an awful experience that goosebumps are reminding me of even now.