I ventured over to the website “disboard” to try to find more online friends that are at least slightly left of “hunting the poors for sport”

I came across “Leftist Alternative” and I’m 99% convinced this was a fed honeypot


I answered all of their “prerequisite/verification” questions. Mostly my answers were of the variety of “Amerikkka imperializes the planet for the 1%” and “it’s not the left vs right, it’s the 99% vs the 1%”

They gave me a LOT of push-back for not acknowledging the “genocide” in China. But it really went downhill when I said that the imperialism of Ukraine by both USA and the Russian was/is a fairly nuanced topic.

Obama Admits US Role in Ukraine Overthrow

Pro-US, Nazi-glorifying government

Ultranationalism, anti-semitism, neo-nazi pogroms, and attacks on LGBT groups.

Ultimately I ended with, “Every war is a banker’s war” and included I was against any/all imperialist movements (including Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Haiti, Congo, Liberia, and Sudan), but I could definitely see why NATO advancing, despite saying they wouldn’t move a single inch towards Moscow, would incite a push from Russia to get their old trade buddy back (not to mention Blackrock/JPM front-running grain futures before the invasion and then vying to steal the mineral rights away from Ukraine in exchange to build it back up)

This really set the feds off…

“OH YOU HATE JEWS DO YA?” - ‘Leftist’ Alternative

“Wait… huh?” - Me

“A ‘Bankers’ War Huh??? We could just tell you were an anti-Semite”

“Are you insinuating… that all Bankers are… jewish?” - Me

It immediately devolved into ad-hominems from the “lefties” so I left that right-wing hell-hole :(

Is Every “Leftist” Discord a Fed Honeypot?

Or are the lib brainwormsreally just that deeply ingrained at this point?

Edit: Missed an end "

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Imperialist ideology is so ingrained in western thought that it even permeates allegedly leftist spaces. It’s a stronger mental vampire than mere capitalism on its own. You can easily get a westerners to hate their boss or landlord, but you’ll have a much harder time disentangling their feelings regarding foreign countries. Try getting a westerner to say anything normal about China.

    Lenin knew this, calling them things like social chauvinists. Self-decribed socialists who would suspend their criticism of their own countries during WW1 because their draw to national identity was stronger. So maybe they’re feds, maybe not. It doesn’t matter because imperialism is a bug in every westerner’s mind. It’s the core feature of a liberal that has to be stripped before they can actually begin to be a leftist.

    I’ve seen some people claim that the western tendency to praise failed socialist revolutions over successful ones is residual Christian admiration of martyrdom, which I kinda doubt. Westerners will boldly claim to be a “Luxemburgist” (whatever the fuck that is) while claiming the DPRK is a despotic rogue state that’s doing capitalism but even worse somehow. I think it’s simpler than just some cultural feature. Westerners at their guts know where their bread is buttered, they know their status in the world is reliant on the domination of foreign countries, and the most anti-imperialist movements will attract the most scorn. That’s it. Socialist movements that are allied with the west, neutral, or otherwise never fought the west are to be admired. Socialist movements actively resisting imperialism are to be regarded as the most vile perversions on earth.