I lean toward “efficient entertainment”, but I do sometimes wonder what that chunk of my free time would look like otherwise.
I lean toward “efficient entertainment”, but I do sometimes wonder what that chunk of my free time would look like otherwise.
I think hunting and fishing are mostly an excuse for meditation or hanging out with friends. I have some family members in hunting/fishing geographies and they never seem to care whether they actually catch anything.
Yep. They have reached the understanding of what it means being a hunter/fisherman. While it’s nice to bring home something to eat, it’s not a necessary. It’s the memories of that day that matter the most.
Well sure but then I could just meditate without the need for an excuse.
I’ve meditated in my room and I’ve meditated on a deer stand. They are not the same.
Deer stand?
A place to sit and watch for deer when hunting them. Often an elevated seat, either on it’s own frame or attached to a directly to a tree. It gives the hunter a better vantage point to see the surroundings from. It’s amazing just how few critters actually look up. I have seen many wild animals going about their daily business from one. From little birds landing around me to rabbits, raccoons, fox, the odd bear. And ever so often I see a deer. Sometimes I have shot, sometimes I have let them pass freely.
But I find it an excellent place to look inward into myself. It’s a far better place to see deeper and more honestly than any room in any building.
Sitting still /= experiencing nature. There’s nothing wrong with meditation but it’s an unrelated exercise.
I can sit next to a lake without a fiahing rod.