For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don’t want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That’s ludicrous!

That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”

    1 month ago
    • Helum
    • Lithum
    • Beryllum
    • Sodum
    • Magnesum
    • Aluminium
    • Potassum
    • Calcum
    • Scandum
    • Titanum
    • Vanadum
    • Chromum
    • Gallum
    • Germanum
    • Selenum
    • Rubidum
    • Strontum
    • Yttrum
    • Zirconum
    • Niobum
    • Molybdenium
    • Technetum
    • Ruthenum
    • Rhodum
    • Palladum
    • Cadmum
    • Indum
    • Tellurum
    • Caesum
    • Barum
    • Lanthanium
    • Cerum
    • Praseodymum
    • Neodymum
    • Promethum
    • Samarum
    • Europum
    • Gadolinum
    • Terbum
    • Dysprosum
    • Holmum
    • Erbum
    • Thulum
    • Ytterbum
    • Lutetum
    • Hafnum
    • Tantalium
    • Wolfrium
    • Rhenum
    • Osmum
    • Iridum
    • Platinium
    • Aurium
    • Hydrogyrium
    • Thallum
    • Plumbium
    • Polonum
    • Francum
    • Radum
    • Actinum
    • Thorum
    • Protactinum
    • Uranum
    • Neptunum
    • Plutonum
    • Americum
    • Curum
    • Berkelum
    • Californum
    • Einsteinum
    • Fermum
    • Mendelevum
    • Nobelum
    • Lawrencum
    • Rutherfordum
    • Dubnum
    • Seaborgum
    • Bohrum
    • Hassum
    • Meitnerum
    • Darmstadtum
    • Roentgenum
    • Copernicum
    • Nihonum
    • Flerovum
    • Moscovum
    • Livermorum
    • Ununoctum

    How do you feel?