OK, but this is why certain Imperial measurements caught hold, and why Americans still use it. We also use metric for the things metric was created to measure.
They’re just the arbitrary numbers you know. I know below 10 is cold and below 20 is chilly. Above 20 is warm and above 30 is hot.
I know what a liter looks like and I know roughly how far 100m is. You learn the normal numbers for each system by using them. But metric is logical and imperial is random.
What a fat load of bullshit
What’s a “fat load” in metric?
Anything above a BMI of 100.
OK, but this is why certain Imperial measurements caught hold, and why Americans still use it. We also use metric for the things metric was created to measure.
They’re just the arbitrary numbers you know. I know below 10 is cold and below 20 is chilly. Above 20 is warm and above 30 is hot.
I know what a liter looks like and I know roughly how far 100m is. You learn the normal numbers for each system by using them. But metric is logical and imperial is random.