• Lvxferre [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I agree, you’re quite right, and I think [thank] you for taking the time and putting in the effort on such a wonderfully thorough portrayal of why your argument is total horseshit

    Me: “yeah, I get why you’re venting, those people saying that 2+2=5 are stupid. However we shouldn’t be claiming that 2+2=3 either, it’s also stupid. 2+2=4.”

    You: “think u for proving that ppl who think that 2+2 is not 3, like you’re self, are wrong! lol lmao haha”

    If this isn’t clear enough, I’m saying that both sides are wrong - both the people who are hyping AI and shoving it everywhere, and the people trying to dismiss it as completely useless. Is this clear now?

    Stop throwing the baby out with the dirty bathtub water dammit.