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[interview with Dr. Hassan Abdel Salam, from Abandon Harris movement]

Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor 04 Sep 2024

    10 days ago

    So, the goal is to erode support for a better option (not a good or best option) so that the killing can accelerate and spill into more countries? Having her in office gives more possibility to influence and change policy. Trump would be a spiteful response, most likely.

    We live in a crappy reality.

    What is the goal?

      10 days ago

      Having her in office gives more possibility to influence and change policy.

      Based on what and using what influence? The genocidal apartheid has been around basically as long as Israel has, but just looking at the bombing aspect of the genocide.

      Since oct-7 Biden and Kamala have both supported Israels right to “defensive” genocide.

      Since oct-7 protesters have been trying to change that with no change on the issue from the administration.

      Why would that change once they’ve already won another 4 years if it hasn’t worked so far?

      The only leverage you have is your vote, if you are pledging to give it to them no matter what, and especially if they’ve already won with your vote…they have no reason to listen to you and millions to listen to the Israeli lobby.

      You’re advocating we handle democrats support for Genocide the same way democrats handle Israels support for Genocide, just give them whatever they want and ask nicely for them to stop? No, I will not normalize genocide and appease the ones carrying it out.

      What is the goal?

      To not support a genocidal right wing candidate and make it known that they will not have the support of the anti-genocide constituency.

      She can either oppose the genocide and get our vote, or she can continue supporting the genocide and not get our vote.

      It’s not like we have been secretly plotting or hiding this. It’s up to her.

      If she continues to support the genocide and loses, it’s only her own fault for not giving up on her support of the genocide, not ours for having the absolute lowest standards possible of “anti-genocide”…and maybe it will send a message that support for Genocide is not a winning strategy for the future.