China campits exist. There are fantastic sources of information about China who are not even remotely Marxist and just support China for whatever reason. I am wondering what percentage of China supporters do you think that applies to?

    22 days ago

    he literaly thinks China is being rewarded by God […] and America is being punished

    The fact is that China is on a rapid upward trajectory and the US empire on the opposite. People of all kinds of ideological inclinations and world views (except perhaps for a few deeply delusional diehard liberals) can see this.

    It is natural to look for explanations when faced with profound changes in the world, and when someone lacks a materialist understanding of reality but is instead deep in the grasp of idealist magical thinking, they come up with all kinds of kooky ideas. The takeaway here is that even people who are as far removed from reality as these weirdos can see which way the wind is blowing. I take that as a very good sign.