It appears another “gigaleak” has gone down, involving Nintendo. According to sources online, it appears that Game Freak has been hacked, resulting in internal data from the company being leaked to the public. Those involved in the hacking community or those within general Pokemon related groups are claiming that while they will not be discussing or dissecting the specifics within the leak, it initially is being claimed that there is a total of 1TB of data.
This allegedly includes the source code for Pokemon Platinum, source codes for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, beta builds of Pokemon Black and White 2, beta builds of Pokemon X and Y, and potential internal codenames for upcoming Pokemon projects. Within it are mentions of an online Pokemon game, a collaborative project between Game Freak and Studio ILCA, the potential code name of the Nintendo Switch 2 being “Ounce”, and a project named Gaia, which may be the next generation of Pokemon titles.
My favorite highlights:
The gen 3 starters we dodged a bullet on
Original smol Zigzagoon
skibidi rotom
gen 3 dev map tools! if you’ve ever played around with making a romhack, this is particularly cool to see.
there’s also a creation myth and more lore around humans fucking pokemon which is really cool stuff
spoiling the fun
It’s still a washing machine but top-loading instead of front-loading. It’d be weird to have a rotom toilet because its whole thing is possessing motors, which toilets don’t have.
I think the gen 4 map editor got leak as well, great day for romhack nerds i think
Treecko basically the same tho
power stance changes everything
Torchic looks better here
Did the original, official tilesets get leaked? It would be freaking awesome
I love this zigzagoon, bring him back