Sort of a spinoff thread from my Great Fairy Fountains post
EDIT: if possible, please link an embedded image so we can easiky see each place and we scroll so everything doesn’t have to be manualky searchced one by one 😅
The Citadel from Mass Effect
With this playing on repeat
Almost every single demon door in fable has some beautiful or aesthetic location behind it. My favorite is probably the Willow’s pick door or the Homestead in fable 2
The demon door in TLC by the pond in the Heroes Guild. I think this might have actually kickstarted my fascination with environment modelling…
What about the door where you’ve gotta get really fat?
A twilight forrest with ancient ruins? Absolutely gorgeous! Even the sex dungeon and the cave have a picturesque beauty to them.
Or the one you have to eat a bunch of live chicks in front of the door who wants to be repulsed
Skellige in Witcher 3 (minus the monsters). I can’t not stop to take in the sights. And the music is *chef’s kiss*.
Skellige is nice, but I prefer Toussaint:
I’d drive around the desert in Interstate 76.
I always loved the Kokiri Forrest in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It’s so cozy, so quaint. I just wanna live there in real life, but with like internet and videogames and stuff.
Could I be a terrible pain in the ass and ask you to embed the link I found here? I want to try and get everyone to embed an image so its easy to browse them without googling each on
Orison in Star Citizen. One of the coolest cloud cities in gaming with some of the most amazing sunsets.
Edit: It’s hard to pick a picture that captures the experience (so I picked a few). A video is better, but actually being there in-game is a whole other level. Everything from the bars, food court, living spaces, shipyard and space port add to the experience.
Minus the spirits I’d probably enjoy kicking around the island from Oxenfree.
I love the Akkala region from Breath Of The Wild/Tears Of The Kingdom!
The entire Planet Zebes. Just without all the monsters lol
I would go the the safari in Rimworld savanna. Don’t want my organs harvested though
Any hub world in the Spyro the dragon games. Summer Forest, Autumn plains, evening lake are some notable ones for me.
Most of ghost of Tsushima, I love the Omni monestary
The reactor level in alien isolation, especially before you return from the lower level. The rain and booming from the cores is oddly comforting, even with murderous androids looking for your head.
Academia 4XX AF from Final Fantasy XIII-2! (It’s also my favorite Final Fantasy.)
With this playing:
Pretty much all of the world of Hollow Knight — ie Hallownest. It’s just such a cool and immersive world. It contains such cool architecture, design, and environments.