You can take the sweater off when you’re not sleeping, but it has to be on at night no matter the temperature.

I think I would demand like 200k, just for the discomfort from the scratchiness. I already sleep with a winter blanket all year round so I wouldn’t mind how warm it would get.

  • Mothra
    4 months ago

    Is this a sweater tailored to magically be uncomfortable for everyone or is this just a regular scratchy sweater? I actually like a lot of fabrics most people complain about for being scratchy, and I tolerate heat a lot - cold is usually my problem.

    So, I don’t know. If it’s something I can tolerate then something like 30k a year would make a great difference in my quality of life atm.

    If it’s something I can’t stand though, I think your 200k a year seems more reasonable.