Guess that’s a reminder not to give much weight to those numbers
…why are you getting downvoted?
Also how is this possibly ruining their reputation? it’s not sexually suggestive, links don’t work, and it’s plain obvious whoever is in the photo is also not the person sending the messages
So nobody saved a copy of our only lead in this case? Don’t servers keep deleted images stored for a while?
This is in line with the fencing frogs. Do we need a community for awesome curiosities?
Ahh, great news, fellow artists and photographers. We don’t need to waste time watermarking our work anymore
I had to visit YouTube yesterday and saw a Mark Rober thumbnail that suggested exactly this and I thought it was clickbait, so I ignored it.
Nobody needs these paywalled features how cringe can you get Microsoft?
It’s definitely unusual, and for niche tastes, but not bad taxidermy
Username checks out I guess :)
Ok, sometimes that’s true but I also hate a lot that I want none of
You just solved one of my childhood mysteries, the foam after microwaving. TIL
This depends on the water temperature. I boil mine, so I pour water first, wait a bit, then put the bag. If I do the other way around, sometimes the tea gets burnt and tastes too bitter, which I don’t like.
I could also heat the water to a lower temperature but I don’t have one of those fancy kettles with temp selection, and I usually get distracted to interrupt the kettle before it boils. But, if the water is hot enough already but not just boiled, then I’ll put the bag first, then the water second.
This, you just need light hitting wet pavement in the wrong angle and you won’t see any road markings.
I resonate with this answer. I should practice more that “repeat calmly I got all day” strategy.
I guess, although cure for baldness would also be directly beneficial for women as well
This left me thinking. What if the person behind this actually has nudes of her, but is waiting for critical mass or even her identity to come up before extortion? She could be getting blackmailed already for all we know, “look, every day more and more people are getting familiar with your looks… Would be a shame if those nudes got leaked”