No job prospects. The work I do to support myself is come and go, and im probably gonna miss rent again. The older I get, the less friends it seems I have. None of my hobbies/passions excite me right now and just feel like a pain in the dick when I think about doing them. Every day is the same goddamn routine unless I go stay at my partners place.

It’s cold and I hate going out in the cold, so that just compounds stuff further. Everything is dead outside. I’m tired, im always so tired. I can never get enough sleep no matter how much I actually get.

Feels like I’m just existing and I hate it.

  • Poogona [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Moods like this always tell me I need escape

    Not like escape from my problems (though that would of course be nice), but escape from me. That stagnant routine becomes a welcome backbone to my day-to-day when I’m really ensconced in something, be it a piece of media or a creative project of my own. Even just a couple hours of being so mentally involved in something that my awareness of myself melts away is deeply restorative. Maybe your depression doesn’t stem from boredom like mine did (I think) but if it does, a little time in the flow state usually does the trick

    Edit: this is very therapist-tone and I don’t like it, so I want to also say something chummy and shitposty like “keep existing to enjoy the days Kissinger can’t”