No job prospects. The work I do to support myself is come and go, and im probably gonna miss rent again. The older I get, the less friends it seems I have. None of my hobbies/passions excite me right now and just feel like a pain in the dick when I think about doing them. Every day is the same goddamn routine unless I go stay at my partners place.

It’s cold and I hate going out in the cold, so that just compounds stuff further. Everything is dead outside. I’m tired, im always so tired. I can never get enough sleep no matter how much I actually get.

Feels like I’m just existing and I hate it.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    if it wasn’t for my partner eventually i would have just stopped giving a shit and done something stupid with drugs on purpose

    i know im in a differnet spot then you this is so fucked but the only good thing about climate change is my SADD comes later now and is shorter. but then hits again in the summer?

    i love hiking and can’t stand the world all dead and sterile like when you come out of the vault in fallout. so i just started embracing that and finding abandoned stuff to hike around

    love ya im sleepy hope that made sense just sharing stuff meow-hug