im sure most of yall know what happened with that. and what happened to that poor woman and those two beautiful babies made me sick in the head and to my stomach as well.

Not surprised women are fed up with men shit like that case makes it extremely justifiable.

How do people make this kind of stuff their “hobby”

  • AernaLingus [any]
    4 months ago

    My mom absolutely mainlines true crime (Dateline, Cold Case, 48 Hours, etc.), and for her I think it’s a combination of loving mysteries (she also adores Poirot and the like) and also being fearful of the world in general–both in the generic suburbanite way and in an undiagnosed anxiety way. It’s not for me, personally…the world’s grim enough as it is; I don’t need to expose myself to the details of a bunch of random grisly crimes that don’t teach me anything.