Im kinda broke and I want to make some money but just can’t find any ways. I live in a remote area so there are no jobs. I don’t mean making thousands of dollars but a few just to buy a new Cod or some Nikes. I ain’t doing any sexual stuff or sending my pictures!

    4 months ago

    I think at your age (didn’t specify but still minor) the only real options are tutoring international students, bug bounties, and maybe remote help desk if you have any certs. You will probably need a work permit too, ask your school counselor. As a student you might also qualify for remote internships from some of the bigger tech companies aimed at students, ie Microsoft, Dell, IBM, Google. These are usually paid.

    IRL is probably a better option as has been mentioned. Put up flyers around town advertising yourself for whatever you think you can pull off. I’d start with grocery stores, apartment buildings, community centers, hospitals, the local VA office, senior centers, post office, local colleges, etc

      3 months ago

      This is our interns last week as a dev intern for a big car maker. Bright kid. Had good ideas and in a private candid conversations he had identified many of the same problems with our team (I’m new, too).

      I didn’t ask salary, but I’m sure he is getting paid, and I’m sure he has a bright future once he speaks up a bit more and takes more initiative (as an intern, it’s no surprise he was there to listen and learn, not act like the expert).

      That’s just my long way of saying lots of big companies have IT interns, not just IT companies.