Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
Except the “by the owner.” The problem here is they are auto-registered at time of purchase.
Peak Design sells to third party resellers, so no, their products aren’t registered automatically.
They are when purchased from PD.
I don’t know this specific brand but because of this quote in the article I assumed it’d not be automatically registered:
Why do they say “if you do choose to register” if you don’t have a choice?
Because you don’t have to register it. Plenty of retail stores sell it and you can pay cash.
Many products say “register your product for your warranty”
Just to get your data. It’s not required.
Not all products have the “smart serial number” would be my guess. The v1 packs certainly didn’t.