ok gang I’m thinking of leading a wretched of the earth book club in January and after that we do a trinity of fundamentals thoughts?
please comment or donate if you can!!
Thank you so much for the repost 🙇🙇🙇 this kindness means a lot to me
Edit for clarification: not Mem just a concerned friend!
of course, the least i can do for another black audhd enby out there, i know how much harder it is for us. i just hope for the best!
$800 is needed for a deposit today!
Can people be more specific about the situations on this site they’re vaguing about 😭
I’m always confused when I log back on
My bad, this is the exchange I was vagueposting about.
I mean I’m very open to being wrong about stuff, but uhhh… I don’t get it. Z Poster took some kind of victory lap about how my heuristic fell flat on it’s face, but I really wasn’t following by that point, so I disengaged. The hexbears all seem big brained enough to get it though judging from the votes, but nobody elae cared to elaborate.
Maybe my comment got seen as “syrian people should be so happy to be liberated by good guys HTS”, but that feels like a stretch to me to interpret it that way idk
You and frauddog stumbled into the middle of a vague posting thread about a specific current we had noticed in the news thread of people who were being pro-HTS and celebrating the fall of Assad.
That is the context. So frauddog essentially came in blasting all the white anti-imperialists and scolding them for not listening to comprador Arab shitlibs who don’t understand that the death of Syria is the death of Palestine and the axis of resistance. I have family and friends, all Arabs, who celebrated Assad’s fall because they are incoherent and kind of stupid libs. I don’t think principled communists who spend all day analyzing news with a Marxist analysis should cede even an inch to these people.
I’m the one being de-colonial hardliner here, yet you misinterpreted the context and claim I’m a white supremacist or whatever the fuck because I put compradors on blast.
I never once said “not all white people” I think I was quite clear I don’t give a fuck about defending white people. I was pointing out how colonizers launder their views through token compradors and that we can’t necessarily trust someone just because they aren’t white. Look at the fucking Palestinian Authority and the kingdom of Jordan, look at those craven self-hating cucks and tell me we should respect “subjects of empire” automatically without scrutiny.
That is the context.
Like I said in the news mega, I interpreted the comment as an offhanded quip akin to “omfg that’s so relatable” to an experience that is genuinely very relatable (at least to me). So I think interpreting it as
frauddog essentially came in blasting all the white anti-imperialists and scolding them for not listening to comprador Arab shitlibs who don’t understand that the death of Syria is the death of Palestine and the axis of resistance
is going a bit far. Especially on a website where people are commonly shut down and ridiculed for existing-as-poc. If you wanted to go in on that line of thinking, you could have started a couple of comments up the chain (which was all about this same topic and much more explicitly so), instead of going for the comment that might make the majority white anglo userbase even just consider for a second their own systemic role in the lives of poc. That’s my opinion.
But I do see where you’re coming from better now, so I appreciate your reply. God knows I can relate to being surrounded by family chuds.
Free Palestine, from the river to the sea and death to america.
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Removed by mod
They are an arab-american from their comments, but that doesnt stop him from being obnoxious
I’m wary of that news com.
Even ignoring puk gai pricks like him, it does feel a bit like a Moon of Alabama comment section
My apologies but we cant call other poc white for being in defense of white supremacist tactics. We’ve had some issues with false accusations of whiteness in the past and we dont want that.
the user in question is Egyptian I believe
White Supremacist tactics? I think you have me confused. I’m the kind of hardliner anti-imperialist 3rd worldist who wants the complete and total destruction of the white supremacist west. I wouldn’t blink at any amount of terror inflicted upon the USA/Israel or its accomplices.
The context of these comments is discussion around Syrians or Sunni Muslims from the region posting about how relieved they and their families are Assad is overthrown and Sunni supremacists have taken power.
I’m Arab and have a family full of Arab shitlibs who also celebrated the defeat of Assad.
The defeat of Assad is the defeat of Gaza and Palestine, it’s the destruction of the axis of resistance. I am sick and tired of my fellow Arabs around me cheering on Zionist victories like idiots, and then to see that sentiment here too pushed me to being quite angry. People cheering for the genocide of Palestine essentially because they are too stupid to realize they have been duped, or possibly people abandoning Palestine and retreating into their own reactionary sectarian squabbles because it’s easier. Oh zionists appears to be winning against Palestine? Nevermind I don’t care about Palestine now I care about “sunni oppression” by the Alawite menace or whatever the fuck idiocy they’ve been sold by the turks and daesh, let’s ignore the massize Israeli invasion and landgrab and bombing campaigns and just imagine we don’t have to fight them - just like the other arab states delude themselves.
Frauddog walked into the middle of that vagueposting context, and perhaps didn’t understand what they were defending. Their argument in that context meant that people on the news mega should shut up and listen to comprador HTS softpeddling. That we were wrong to critically support Assad and should have listened to Al Qaeda Zionists instead.
You might see where my sentiment is coming from that I don’t think white communists here on this site should defer to the standard Arab position because the standard Arab position is a shitlib Zionist comprador one. The axis of resistance is the decolonial force in the region, and HTS are NATO-backed colonizers. The majority users on this site, at least in the news mega, have a better grasp on the situation in the Middle East than my family members do, and they have a more correct and decolonial analysis. They shouldn’t shut up and listen to compradors, they have a firm Marxist analysis why would they toss that away in favor of some Arab liberal views?
I come to this site to escape stupid muslim sectarian reactionary nonsense that surrounds me and find fellow decolonial marxists who would support pan-arabism. Maybe this context helps you put together why I don’t think the “stupid white commies of the news mega” should bow before the HTS apologists, and what I was talking about when I was speaking of “reactionary and imperialist narratives” pushed by compradors. Go into arab speaking social media around the fall of Assad to see the absolute shit show, 50% of those people really are brainwashed by zionists into believing in an alternate reality. UAE, Turks, Qatar, Saudis are all pushing this zionist anti-zionism. People with Palestine flags cheering on Hezbollah being surrounded by Israel, cheering American proxies taking power and Iran getting punched in the nose.
Maybe this context helps you put together why I don’t think the “stupid white commies of the news mega” should bow before the HTS apologists, and what I was talking about when I was speaking of “reactionary and imperialist narratives” pushed by compradors.
And let’s be honest. Outside of the em_poc mega, the news mega has the highest concentration of POC users. It’s extraordinary silly for the place with the highest percentage of POC users to go after the place with the second highest percentage of POC users. And not every POC newshead has ever participated in the em_poc mega. Honestly, most of them haven’t. If anything, there should be an alliance of sorts between the two megas. If the news mega somehow disappears or moves to a different instance, Hexbear will be even whiter with shittier politics to boot than it is right now.
while i think the intentions of this are good there is still soo much unchallenged bigotry (antiblackness specificly), toxicity, debate pervertism, in the news com. there is also a strange worshiping of whiteness and white men that goes on there that is unsettling. i dont think this “allience” would result in anything positive until such issues are addressed. lastly ive have TWO poc news mega users leaver yesterday and many more over the past 2 month and almost all the ones ive mannaged to talk to have mentioned the toxicity of the news mega being a main reason for them leaving. so yeah i dont think youre on the ball here.
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Oh I see…
I, too, oppose takfiri salafiist zionist-aligned interests, of the Khaleej and Turkiye
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Thank you for the context, comrade
My comment wasn’t solely directed at you, you are definitely not the only person that does that
Edit: oh my god i meant to say youre not the only person
Fucking same! I thought it was just me.
This stuff makes Marx rambling about linen, in comparison, so clear. I’m here reading comments like
It’s always something along the lines of ‘Man, that obscure racist post someone made is really making me question my sanity’
And the post in question is just mildly insulting white women.
What i genuinely don’t understand is why they aren’t saying the user or describing the post without @ing someone
I got youre not allowed to restart struggle sessions but if youre vaguing, youre still mentioning the struggle session
yeah but the em poc com serves as a place to vent about such things without being harassed by crackers.
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Like, can these crackers please say what their actual problem is with their whole chest?
If they did, they’d be thoroughly banned af, lmao…
Hence, the vague reasons such as the familiar “my father was killed in WW2 by the Russians, cuz he was
fascistanti-communist”My favorite is asking descendants of kulaks why their kulak relatives were liquidated. You’ll hear some real ghoul shit like “Well it was their right to set an entire barn of wheat on fire, it was their property! But then big mean Stalin came and took away the rest of their grain so they couldn’t sell it at a 1000% markup!”
They don’t want to spend even the smallest effort to understand why said mod was removed. Yeah, I’m sure it’s just “teenager clique drama.” Not “mod advocating doing an adventurism while downplaying user concerns about bigotry.”
Also this got me to see my post about blocktube got restored, hooray!
TY @sweet_pecan@hexbear.net
You have a blocktube, nice!
It’s an older Firefox add on that got removed from the official add-ons list a while ago. I didn’t make it, but that’s the list of channels I have blocked. Someone a while ago was looking for a way to get rid of Simon Whistler recommendations, so that’s why I made the post.
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I wish Americans would realize that people in Central America do not love Trump just because their immigrant chud coworkers do. He’s hated in the northern triangle (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) and loved by a minority, many of whom choose to move to the US.
Americans love to generalized all people from a nation they know little about to appear knowledgeable infront of their just as ignorant peers
they are eagerly wielding the {claim} like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose.
Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off {and that America is the most shining nation on the hill}
Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits. {of core-periphery labour and resource exploitation, American hegemony, so on and so forth}
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Do you want the full article I pulled this out from? Masses, Elites, and Rebels: {A critique of} the theory of “Brainwashing” (2022)
If you don't wanna read the whole thing and just want a tl;dr:
I reject only the common misconception that propaganda “manufactures consent” (Chomsky) or “invents reality” (Parenti), because it exaggerates the feat accomplished by propagandists, and, in doing so, it obscures the real material basis that has historically made even the working poor in the imperial core complicit.
Reject the idea of “brainwashing,” and insist on seeking the kernel of intelligence and truth and wisdom in everyone’s current actions, even when they seem repulsive or hopelessly short-sighted. Identify where exactly you can intervene, and with whom, in such a way that it dovetails with existing tendencies, but always with an eye to revolution and the prize of a better future.
Though, I suppose, if you can’t do it with kkkrakkkers, then I guess you can find solidarity and solace worldwide, outside the U.S
Unlimited bans to all reactionaries
YES! bounces hammer against palm like a movie henchman
Aww mga bata
Bunch of derpy bubbys
wa wa WA WA!!! 💕
youre my fav new account
awa!! :3
You can do it
the job is mine if i pass some test!
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Has anyone else been triggered by anti discrimination training at work?
I was taking it the other day and like as the example of what not to do they literally just had a dude on their saying racist stereotypes about a fictional character with my name and I was like uhhh
I— :(( (hugs you so tightly if wanted)
Jesus, you prolly have a colleague with a grudge against you…
Lol nah it was a professionally prepared training video
I feel sorry for them, they won’t last the week.
I hate AI so much, especially when it’s used by fellow em_POC who just want to pass their classes because academic resources are systemically denied to them. None of these people run local models they’re just using models created by White techbros who want to see the world burn. I’m fearful for the amount of settler propaganda that Silicon Valley can disseminate just through the guise of being “a friendly AI assistant”
I had talked about this a couple weeks ago on one of the general megathreads, but yeah. It honestly scares me a bit just how much the students I know talk about using it. One of my cousin’s kids recently started college and he was telling me about how he got in trouble for using an AI to write a paper and the paper got flagged for plagiarism. Setting aside the plagiarism or even the settler propaganda as you mentioned, what does a student gain from having an AI write a paper for them. And its not like the educational system, especially in the US, fosters much critical thinking skills. In all my time working its always taken me aback just how little people seem to be able to do problem solving. AI is just going to make things so much worse.
Silicon valley is just a breeding ground for what parts of society they can capture and profit off of. Sure, Imperial Core Jimmy can pay 20 American bucks a month for ULTRA-MEGA CHATGPT INFINITY to give him all his answers but Global South Pedro has to do it “the old way” and he should strive to be able to buy AI services.
Imperial core Jimmy gets to cheat on his exams and also contribute to climate change destruction onto the Global South, Win Win for the US.
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Immaculate driving today!
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I give up. Apparently living in a world where white people talk down to you is an “imperialist narrative” and thinking about who is reading what you write is “post modern slop”
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wretched of the earth book club in January and after that we do a trinity of fundamentals thoughts
Yeah, why not? It’s like one of those books everyone here’s, including me, has heard of, yet not much has read about
sorry ive been so busy everyone. i will respond to the dm’s uhhhh maybe tomorrow, today is rough for me
also my computer is dying and the charger broke so i may be unreachable for like a day before I get a new one
Like I said to Angel, I hope you find the power, pecan!
did it!