• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Child, you claimed Adam Smith was “cooking up Capitalism” and then provided a link that opened up by saying that claims like that are gross over simplification. Doubling down on saying you read it only makes you look even more stupid. I mean, you didn’t even know that pre-industrial Capitalism existed ffs. Id be too ashamed to reply if I was you.

    Just to head off your next commnet: no, weaponsed ignorance and professional grade arrogance do not qualify as a cogent rebuttal but I am looking forward to you attempting to singlehandedly refute das kapital again.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      First, a gross over simplification describes the entirety of discourse on Lemmy. That’s the format, and unless you want to start writing multiple actual papers every day I wouldn’t complain about it.

      Second, the gross over simplification they refer to is Adam Smith as merely the first economist. They go on to explain his entire body of work in philosophy, politics, and economics.

      And no, my claim is that it wasn’t capitalism yet. In the same way that we still have some of the same laws as we did under kings, but that wasn’t democracy yet.

      And the irony here is breathtaking. This is literally my field of study. And you read the first snippet and then start yelling about “weaponized ignorance”. If you want to disagree then disagree but don’t be so ignorant you project it into others.