Discussion topics for us cis guys:
- It’s not weird that I’ve been wearing the same shirts for the last 15 years
- Stop forcing me to do personal hygiene
- Nickleback is the best music, hands down
- My personality is that I like to play darts at the pub
- I don’t need to wipe. My body, my choice.
- Apologising for making mistakes - that thing that other people like to do.
I can’t wait to hear what the cis men have to say about these pressing issues.
Congratulations! Here’s some tips for fitting in with cis dudes: Tell other dudes you’re definitely faster than them. Feel awkward about wether to hug, handshake or
. Have very strong emotions about a mid character from a TV show, Wabuffet from Pokemon, Jerry from Seinfeld or Birdperson from Rick and Morty for example. You need to be able to badly rap at least one song and show it off whenever possible. If you’re ever in a situation where you’re looking for smalltalk: Vague sports comment if they suck, ask a “would you rather” question if they suck less. For other ideas of dudeness search hexbear for “dudes rock”
Seems like I’m already mostly there
You are already a man, so everything you do makes you fit in… This is just fitting in with a specific type of man.
Great point. Although I do find humour in enhancing my character by copying weird and harmless traits that are mostly associated with men
I think I can relate. I’m a man and I like doing masculine-coded things too. It’s gender-affirming or something, I don’t know the term for it.