Your own boogers are unquestionably vegan for yourself to eat: nasal mucus is already normally swallowed by passing through the nasopharynx. You might as well ask whether your own spit when you eat is vegan.
For other people’s boogers, I would say it’s vegan if it was acquired consensually. This is almost certainly someone’s fetish.
Non-human boogers certainly are not vegan.
※ Whether picking and eating boogers is vegan is a different matter of whether it is advisable to do so.
We must also consider that boogers freely given in a capitalist context may not be consensual in the strictest sense. Meaning if there is a profit motive or power dynamics issue at play, consensual boogers may turn into coercive boogers.
This makes it complicated if you are, for example, purchasing boogers or acquiring said boogers from someone who is in a relatively submissive position to you within different hierarchies.
Please do not assume it is okay to offer money to someone for boogers or ask your work subordinates if it is okay to consume their boogers.
Do you disagree?
It’s also worth considering if those boogs are just gonna be thrown away–even if it’s not strictly consensual or outright goes against the wishes of the producer, I go back and forth on whether it’s ethical to consume a discarded, or “dumpster” booger
Eating dumpster boogers normalizes the idea that boogers are objects for our consumption. I prefer to treat them as inedible and do not consume boogers under any circumstances. However I do not talk down to others who are in circumstances that maybe require them to partake in dumpster boogers out of necessity.
Human mucophagy in late capitalism: an essay
I mean we already know it’s definitely advisable to do so
Even eating someone else’s boogers?
Especially someone else’s.
*blushes* S-senpai…
it’s an animal product. it’s not vegan.
They better be
Depends–I maintain eating any part of a millionaire is vegan, but a normal person has to consent to giving you their boogs for them to be vegan. Most non-human animals can’t consent, except like parrots and magpies, but I’m not sure they even make boogs, (I don’t know much about avian respiration)
My cat wipes her eye crusts and boogers on me of her own accord (often despite my wishes) so hers are vegan too
Veganism distilled:
- You can pick your friends
- You can pick your nose
- You can’t pick your friend’s nose
It’s just that easy.
Only if you pick them lovingly
i think if whoevers booger it is consented and is >18yo it should be ok to call it vegan.