But I believe the First-Second-Third World distinctions were originally politically based on whether a country was aligned with Western Capitalism-Soviet Union- or non-aligned, respectively. Definitely racist elements involved in condemning/couping USSR and the non-aligned countries though.
I think people generally now mean to say Global South when they say that, which is more racially charged but also ultimately political-economic.
Of course, a huge part of the global South is actually just the Northern hemisphere but to the east from Europe. And Australia isn’t part of the Global South.
White people are undeniably racist.
But I believe the First-Second-Third World distinctions were originally politically based on whether a country was aligned with Western Capitalism-Soviet Union- or non-aligned, respectively. Definitely racist elements involved in condemning/couping USSR and the non-aligned countries though.
I think people generally now mean to say Global South when they say that, which is more racially charged but also ultimately political-economic.
That’s racist.
They’re no angels.
That’s speciesist.
White people are a different species?
Yakub demons confirmed.
Of course, a huge part of the global South is actually just the Northern hemisphere but to the east from Europe. And Australia isn’t part of the Global South.