Some big dumby with my name (T’was me) posted earlier this week with a totally not correct way to propagate ficus elastica (rubber tree, tineke) from a leaf. So anyway here is the proper way to prop it with pictures.


  • Step one: mark where you would like to make your first cut (i use a loose zip tie). This cut will make the mother tree bush out at the highest node. Plan ahead, and make your cut.


  • Step two: process the props by cutting up from the bottom every 2 leaf nodes. leave 4-6 leaves/nodes at the very end of the piece (this last chunk is your reward, you are doing great).


  • Step three: Remove the lower leaf entirely from each piece, and the lowest 2-3 leaves on the largest piece.


Step four: dip the bottom of your cuttings into rooting hormone. Be generous.


  • Step five: firmly grasp your new cutting and gently cram them into the pot you forgot to fill up with a fast draining potting soil before you started. Be sure to completely cover the lower node and keep the dirt about as high as the remaining leaf-node.


  • Step six: Put the smaller props in any excessively humid environment where they can still get some indirect light. I use my favorite clear tote under a canopy, lightly sealed. Keep the soil moist.

Roots should form in 6-12 weeks. Some may take a long time, some may die. I’d bet youre glad you made 5 now, huh?

If you know what to do with all these leaves please let me know;

    510 months ago

    1 of those things you wonder how someone figured out before any other human. An evolution of knowledge, I know, but still impressive. Thanks for the content!

  • 0x1C3B00DA
    310 months ago

    And every prop will be able to put out new growth? I’ve read that you can profligate ficuses from different parts but not every technique will result in a plant that can grow new leaves.

    • YeetPicsOP
      9 months ago

      Given that these cuttings have a piece of the stalk with a node, yes they should grow into complete plants. Doing a side by side experiment now with this method vs using just leaf cuttings, I have mixed information on leaf props being viable so we will see what happens. I will update eventually.


      leaf props not viable from my tests.

      Stem cutting with multiple nodes work well if you can keep the temp/humidity up without causing fungal issues.

      Branches from mother plant predictably emerge from the top nodes