Credits go to @kmh for creating this style. It comes in both a light and dark version (check the links for usage instructions).
If you don’t want to fiddle with code and stuff, has already installed it server-wide, and should be available straight away for new accounts (If not, go to Settings>Display>General Theme Settings and change it from there. Or follow the guide in any of the links above).
Wasn’t there a show with “bookface”? At first I was thinking the remake of Arrested Development, but that was Faceblock.
On an episode of Castle, the daughter character was introducing the mother character to the internet, and the mother character says “I’ve now got a page on MyFace.”
You might be thinking of “FriendFace” from IT Crowd, that was my initial thought when I saw this
Nah, I didn’t watch IT Crowd. Apparently there’s this but that’s not what I was thinking of either. Oh well.
@jaybone Lol!