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Now do it for a case where a,b, and c are pair wise not equal.
1, 1 and 7. The sum is 3.75 – take it or leave it.
Good enough for engineers.
Electronic engineers will know that 1, 1, 8 is closer but will go for 1, 1, 6.8 because they are in the E6 series and that will save 0.1 cents per device.
1, 1, 6.8
“6.8 isn’t an integer”
“It rounds to an integer”
“The tolerance is 5% so an integer is in range”
The solutions don’t quite fancy me as positive whole values, see for yourself.
An integer solution does exist.
no, no I can’t
Some discussion here
Not the same problem.
The original solution to this one was posted by +johncbaez999 on Google Plus and reposted here.
Ew please don’t link Reddit without warning.