I only complain because I see it happen a lot, and because Wikipedia automatically corrects links for mobile users but not desktop ones. It’s not intended to be scolding, just a request for you to be more aware of such things.
Then request Wikipedia change their web design for bifurcating mobile users into a subdomain. The CSS is detecting the browser implementation anyways, so do it all on the backend in one single domain.
I only complain because I see it happen a lot, and because Wikipedia automatically corrects links for mobile users but not desktop ones. It’s not intended to be scolding, just a request for you to be more aware of such things.
Then request Wikipedia change their web design for bifurcating mobile users into a subdomain. The CSS is detecting the browser implementation anyways, so do it all on the backend in one single domain.
For real, I’m not going to make your problem my problem, this is a wikipedia issue, you’re in the wrong channels.