No offense to I’m sure well-intentioned OP, but I could give a fuck about anything coming out of democrats dot org. Dems are half the reason we’re where we are today. They’re welcome to come back when they stop gobbling corporate knob and start giving even the slightest shit about the working class in this country. If you don’t hate Bill Clinton at least as much as you hate Donald Trump, you’re part of the problem. Fuck off, don’t @ me.
No offense to I’m sure well-intentioned OP, but I could give a fuck about anything coming out of democrats dot org. Dems are half the reason we’re where we are today. They’re welcome to come back when they stop gobbling corporate knob and start giving even the slightest shit about the working class in this country. If you don’t hate Bill Clinton at least as much as you hate Donald Trump, you’re part of the problem. Fuck off, don’t @ me.
Instead of verifying it yourself, you’re jumping on some bOtH sIdEs bullshit?
Shut the fuck up, man.
What was the primary source of lead consumption in your life?
BoooThH sIddEsSssS
When did Bill Clinton attempt an insurrection?