• Supervisor194@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m playing Fallout London right now (after playing a free copy of Fallout 76 for a while), and while they appear to have incorporated several mods that reduce the crap nature of Fallout since NV, there are things that FO3 and NV just did better. Dramatically better. And there are things that NV did that were dramatically better than FO3.

    Various game features may vary in popularity among fans (I personally hate prefix/suffix stacking for enemies and weapons and modular crafting), but I think pretty much everyone agrees that FO4 didn’t do anything better than FO3/NV, other than mildly improved graphical fidelity and gunplay. Everything about the gameplay, storytelling, UI and immersion was just dumbed-down to a worthless nub. 76’s writing is easily the worst of them all, I can’t remember a single quest, they’re all equally uninteresting. I can remember some of 4’s quests, but in none of them did I feel like I had any agency.