Moved this here because I watched the rest of the video and he gets shitty at the end.

How do we get people like Norm to stop being credulous about flawed science and fucking bigotry.

His larger point with the video is more interesting but it gets lost in anti-trans shit at the end

  • As long as the Palestinian parties are for the 2 state solution, we should likely be for it. Unless we have parties with clear positions and strategies for how to use support for something else to their benefit, I see no reason to publically disagree with them. Of course I think the correct moral position is 1 Palestine from the river to the sea, but being morally correct and being effective in assisting a real struggle sometimes are different.

    • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
      2 months ago

      yeah, i understand pure anti-zionism, no israel is kinda simultaneously a quixotic and utopian position. what you said is fair. but i don’t think it’s wrong to identify 2 state solution as essentially, technically zionist.

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 months ago

        This. Palestinian parties accept it because Israel has made itself too powerful to destroy entirely, not because the conquest of 48 was more legitimate than the conquest of 67. They have to be politically realistic while we here can recognize that any Israel at all is an affront to the people who lived there before

        • MLRL_Commie [comrade/them, he/him]
          2 months ago

          What does your “recognition” do? I’m talking about meaningful positions. Is that a party which is taking actions working with Palestinian parties and a cooperative strategy which includes having a different position on this? It could be, and I’d find that super cool and interesting. Otherwise, my point is just that anarchic calls or recognitions aren’t as useful as just repeating exactly what Palestinian Liberation groups are saying. It has no extra positive effect except to make us feel good.

          • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
            2 months ago

            I’m an individual, my personal thoughts are meaningless, as is my position on the bear site. I could post resistance positions verbatim and it wouldn’t have an extra positive effect. I’m simply saying that just because the resistance accepts Israel’s existence doesn’t mean that I have to

      • MLRL_Commie [comrade/them, he/him]
        2 months ago

        It’s zionist as a concept in a vacuum for sure. But as a strategy on the path towards liberation, the step transforms into an anti-zionist position. We’re agreeing here for the most part, I believe, but I want to encourage people to see the process as part of the concept itself, not as something totally separate. So 2-staters who do it to preserve Israel are of course wrong and terrible. 2-staters who are supporting palestinians sovereignty and their own path to complete liberation are not at all zionist due to that position. I’ve never read Finkelstein, and so going off of only some videos, I would place him in the 2nd category more than the first. Though I think he is blind to how struggles interrelate and such, of course, because of all his other positions.