Moved this here because I watched the rest of the video and he gets shitty at the end.

How do we get people like Norm to stop being credulous about flawed science and fucking bigotry.

His larger point with the video is more interesting but it gets lost in anti-trans shit at the end

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Except we live in a highly propagandized society, one where the medical and psychological needs specific to trans people are wildly depressed and rapidly eroding. Where the medical care of black people and women is full of racism and misogyny that leads to poor health outcomes. Where neurodivergence is under diagnosed or misdiagnosed by neurotypical doctors and psychologists. There is also the question of Native Americans, and how we must reconcile their past so they can have a prosperous future.

    Would a person living in a slum intersecting with any of these identities be better served by better economic conditions? Obviously. Except that doesn’t address the social conditions that they live in. Which, I should point out are part of their material conditions.

    The material external environment in which humans live, including the natural environment, the means of production and the economic base of human society, objective social relations, and other externalities and systems which affect human life and human society.

    Changing the economic relations doesn’t make society suddenly not racist, misogynist, homophonic, or transphobic. Something is to be done with the social relations as well. As Marx puts it in Critique of the Gotha Programme:

    What we have to deal with here [in analyzing the programme of the workers’ party] is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it comes.

    The transitional period where we are moving away from capitalist society and twords a socialist society will entail the restructuring and dismantlement of bourgeois law, and that will require using the power of the state to implement justice reforms for these marginalized groups.

    In 1918, hot on the heels of the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks put forward reforms to the rights of women, spearheaded by women in the Bolshevik party. Russian feminists largely influenced all manor of reforms that impacted the lives and conditions of the women living within its borders.

    All you have presented me is a rising economic tide, which even bourgeois liberal society could accomplish. In what feels like over night women in the Soviet Union earned more rights and privileges and equal status in the workforce then they did in the decades before the revolution.

    If we can not articulate what is to be gained trough revolutionary action by our comrades on the margins of society, then what hope is there for revolution? Why should they take the risk if there is no clear program in place to ensure their safety and equal status in society? This is why intersectionality maters. This is why we should be focusing on identity coupled with class.