• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It ain’t just that, it’s making them have the fight.

    Not sure how many people remember Project Pat, but:


    We used to sing it except “ain’t going back to mast” because Captain’s Mast was the less formal version of Court Martial. At a mast, the Captain could do whatever they wanted and no one higher up even heard about it.

    You had to agree to Mast, if you didn’t they’d have to take you to court martial where people outside the chain of command got to hear what’s going on. The downside is punishment could be much worse.

    Some of my guys were getting fucked, so I told everyone to refuse Captain’s Mast, and the command backed down because it was obvious they weren’t the problem. But our chain of command showed they didn’t give a fuck.

    Word spread that a 1/3 of my division got out of demotions, and it was all anyone would talk about.

    It’s why I don’t take the idea of the American military being used against Americans very seriously. The vast majority are just there because they have no other options. They hate the military more than most pascifists do. So it doesn’t take much for shit to break down.

    That’s not even getting into how much of the military are minorities, immigrants, or even non-citizens. They’re not gonna do what trump wants them to.