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bingo, they probably want to preemptively ban it so they can crush protesters when they inevitably come.
They already did this
They won’t bother arresting you, you’ll just be executed in the street.
Fascist shithole formally proclaims anti fascist organization a terrorist group
What’s even more disgusting is, it’s not like it’s a communist party or whatever, you don’t get membership or anything. It’s just an excuse for the American government to arrest anyone they want
whew, guess I won’t be joining the local branch of Antifa™
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Just casually hanging out at Seventh Heaven with
This really is the type of thing a ‘fa’ country would pass.
Donald Reelected; Militarized Fascist Society’s Laws Tire Domestic Resistance
First they came for the “terrorists”, and I didn’t speak out, for the definition of terrorism hadn’t yet expanded to encompass me
Ah sweet Louis the gaslighting continues that anyone opposed to fascism is the “real” fascist while goons like Elon hit the sieg heil and Trump promotes mein kampf.
little boy luigi is just first sign of things to come over the next decade
Was that ever a real org in the US?
Not really, just a right wing bogeyman and catch all for any protestors
like all American anti-terror laws this will just be used to send people the feds don’t like to a black site for extrajudicial torture and indefinite captivity
No. It’s laying the categorical framework to create the 2025 version of the house of un-american activities committee
Finally, recognition.
If I get deported, meet yall in Beijing?
Hexbear reunion at the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong?
Lmao given my history I get a fast track to the nearest cia blacksite. It’s been an honor comrades.
Best of luck. Don’t get caught
The text of that bill is
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communism, anarchism, socialism, and violence, and has continuously demonstrated their commitment to lawlessness…
That’s like a list of everything that’s cool.
They are really moving fast on the fascism thing, aren’t they?
“WhO gEtS tO dEcIdE wHo Is Or IsNt A nAzI….but I get to decide who is or isn’t fascist enough! It is now illegal to not be fascist!”
Damn if they’re gonna just start charging people with terrorism for existing, some people might decide to earn the charges.
How can something that isn’t an organization be a terrorist organization?
With the power of pure ideology, anything is possible!