It was a guy who posted a few files that allowed the WiFi driver to work on my old laptop with EndeavourOS installed. Been trying to figure out what I was doing wrong for a while, turns out downloading iwd wasn’t enough, I needed to stop using wpa_supplicant entirely.
I think, it is about drivers
It was a guy who posted a few files that allowed the WiFi driver to work on my old laptop with EndeavourOS installed. Been trying to figure out what I was doing wrong for a while, turns out downloading iwd wasn’t enough, I needed to stop using wpa_supplicant entirely.
That files were firmware files, weren’t they? I think those would be in AUR as well. Most of them are. 😇
Yeah, but the AUR build failed for me, so I just manually copied the WiFi iwd backend fix, it was only a couple short lines anyway.
Ahh, I see
May I ask which driver you are using for your wifi chip? I want to research about this