Genuinely curious what quirk of fate caused this person to develop an understanding of the world along these lines. This isn’t standard western brainworms.
based on the reply chain, he’s some kind of libertarian - pro-elon/bezos (ethical billionaires), but anti-kings/warlords/dictators (unethical billionaires). super heavy on the “great men with great ideas”, and capitalism/workers being the enabler for making their ideas happen. he was also posting this in r/neoliberal, if that helps (it doesn’t)
Considering that other bit of context, my guess would be privileged tech person, someone who only sees that things are good for them and assumes that this can work for everyone in the world
Genuinely curious what quirk of fate caused this person to develop an understanding of the world along these lines. This isn’t standard western brainworms.
based on the reply chain, he’s some kind of libertarian - pro-elon/bezos (ethical billionaires), but anti-kings/warlords/dictators (unethical billionaires). super heavy on the “great men with great ideas”, and capitalism/workers being the enabler for making their ideas happen. he was also posting this in r/neoliberal, if that helps (it doesn’t)
bonus round:
Very silly.
I’ve never seen
as great as that.
Ya this sounds very Randian.
Considering that other bit of context, my guess would be privileged tech person, someone who only sees that things are good for them and assumes that this can work for everyone in the world
Unfortunately an increasingly common type of person.