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There are also the first two Bioshock. Is it possible to try Prime in Free Trial and grab all the titles during the two day period.#
Direct link to The Talos Principle as I think the main link is just BioShock.
I’ve heard good things about both these games!
The Talos Principle was great, but you need to stick at it. If you stop playing for a few weeks or months and try to go back to it, you’ll have no idea what you are doing.
That is now my experience with every game!
Both are great in their own respects, though both very different from each other.
Booker, catch!
So, free for two days and then free with subscription?
Seems like free food at a fancy resort: not free.
Once you’ve claimed them on the free trial then they’re yours to keep forever, see the bottom of the sticky post
What’s Bioshock Infinite Free? I hate sentences which Capitalises random WordsI stand corrected.I believe “free” is capitalized because the subject of this post is written in title case, as the title of a book or certain newspaper headlines would be. In title case nouns are capitalized; the word “on” is a preposition and thus left lowercase.
Whether a post’s subject should be written in title case is a stylistic choice I have no strong opinion on.
That sentence is called a title. That’s how we do titles bro 🤭
Ok, if that’s the case, can you tell me the rules of capitalization for titles?
Generally it comes down to:
First word
Last word
Important words (ie not an, the, to, etc.)
They teach this stuff in elementary school :o
Holy shit. I had no idea…
English is my second language, not that it’s an excuse, but I will never complain about it again! Thank you for correcting me, and for having the patience to respond to an, if I can say so myself, idiotic question!!
Ah yeah that explains it! Stuff like title capitalization generally doesn’t have a lot of functional use unless you consume most of your media in English. Definitely not one of the things I’d focus on when learning English as a secondary language :>
I’m a native speaker, “title case” is kind of stupid and always looks weird. Just because newspapers do it doesn’t mean we have to like it!