It’s the stuff of memes. Everyone wants to talk and laugh about the strange presence of Scientology in the world. However, despite its supposed prevalence, which I find sufficient to make an instance for it (might/would explain some of the commotion and rumors going on) which is an inevitability, few people ever discuss knowing any Scientologists (often in the process of forgetting that, in the end, they’re just another group like any group, minus peculiarities). Do you have anyone in your life, be it a friend, family member, or someone in your community, who is one or thought to be one?

  • I had some good arguments with a few recruiters a couple times. Its fucking annoying having someone try hand u some bullshit every day while u trying to get somewhere fortunately if u argue with them they remember that ur a dick and don’t bother u in future. That’s an unethical life pro tip for ya.

      1 month ago

      Seems ethical to me.

      Religious people don’t seem to mind just bothering others for their own benefit.