Good ones are hard to find. What I miss from most communities are actual posts that invite interaction. Most of the posts I see are just a link. Not even OP’s take on the link. If there are text its an ai summary of the link like half of the time.
So many posts have 70 upvotes but 0 comments.
Edit: will follow this thread for good ones! The ones that are posted so far looks better
Curating a good subscribed-view takes awhile, but my personal feed is really nice by now. Highly suggest skimming through profiles of people to see where they comment and post to find good communities!
I’m afraid that I have slipped into dropping links without commentary, it’s a bad habit to get into, but sometimes I lack the energy or time to personalize my link posts when I have a number of them lined up for my communities :(
I understand, and it works in active communities. Also some are just mirrors for links while discussion happens outside of lemmy. If i want to read hacker news i go there. I dont need bots mirroring the links including links to hn discussion page for the post.
There are god communities, but as i often browse /all i probably should blame myself for having bad content
I think the best way to go is have a suscribed feed for nicheish and low-medium post density communities you like.
And then use the c/all feed as a sort of frontpage thing where you get memes and news and stuff.
I’ve had a few days the last week or so where I was questioning if my posts were federated properly because it was silent. There’s usually a couple of regulars that toss a couple comments on everything, so it felt really odd.
! can help too
What I miss from most communities are actual posts that invite interaction.
What still confuses me a little are the posts that get upvoted and invite interaction but still end up without any comments. The upvotes indicate there’s others presumably interested and yet no one else seems to know enough/have enough interest to comment. I get not knowing enough, so I hope it’s more of that than a lack of interest, even if it’s still disappointing.
For posts that don’t really request knowledge but opinions or advice, it’s interesting to see them left alone when elsewhere you can see people more than willing to share their views.
I think that’s down to low population, and people «doing their part» just upvoting anything. In time this might change, but lack or interaction is why most just leave again
Lots of activity on ! following Reddit paywall announcements
Seriously. 1 week and already 270 users! And lvxferres post has 720 upvotes and 119 comments, it’s pretty busy :D
2k monthly active users!
It’s the #6 most active community on db0! (#2 if you discount official comms!)
I’m surprised that ! gets so many comments, so doing good!
! also has nice small but active community feeling. Loving the submissions and always look forward to every single one.
Took over ! together with who also had a good idea with weekly discussion thread (which Blaze already kinda started). Looking at the user count I believe people are eager to join in on the conversation.
I want to mention that Sillydrawingrequests is one of my favorite communities, thank you for creating it and keeping it going, Lazy! ^^
That warms my heart, thank you :) Glad to have you there too Frog! :)
Hello :D buyeuropean seems great, i think i’ll make a post there (despite not being euro x)) and sillydrawingrequests is a fun community, though it’s small. I love languages and hope languagelearning will grow (has good-ish activity for a comm that was pretty dead
Same song as usual for me: we get new members joining ! Knowing how niche that topic could be considered, I’m very happy about that. That said, there is still not much participation, even to ask questions or I don’t know to share pictures.
Tomorrow, I’ll post the 3rd issue of the [Weekly Thread] discussion. I have prepared the new thumbnail I share with you (in an exclusive world premiere, you’re welcome). I have no idea if that kind of silly thing encourage people to participate, or if it’s dissuasive. Feel free to let me know what you think. Maybe tomorrow someone will raise their voice in the community to complain about my stupid sense of humor.That would be something :p
! is doing pretty fine all things considered. Most memes do fine and invite some discussion, some posts don’t do as well. The community doesn’t post that much by themselves, so around 98% of posts are from me. I don’t mind too much as long as I get to talk to people about stuff, but I’d love it if the community were a little more active. Around 1000 monthly users is pretty good, I think
we’ve got a couple regulars posting on ! so we get atleast two posts a week nearly no matter what which is cool.
I don’t think we need to force ourselves to be more active than that. Threads that get big on our community attract a lot of non-disabled people who say discriminatory stuff and it becomes a moderation headache.
The comm was intended as a support group but sometimes becomes a sort of debate group when non-disabled people try to share their “views” on our disabilities. So those big threads may not really be serving their purpose. is really carrying it with their weekly threads.
That is the most annoying thing, when people crash into spaces and say horrible things and then try to force you to accept it and make you look like the bad guy by saying “they will not listen to differing views, it’s an echo chamber!”
I am open to differing views but in views like “the Nazis were bad” or “2+2=4” it should be an echo chamber of consensus… you should not have to accept the “differing view” of “you all got your chronic illnesses through being horrible people, and if you are an angel now, well actually no I’ll just make up stuff to prove why you deserve it.” There are legitimate but uncomfortable differing views, and there is cruel insanity trying to force someone acting in good faith to accept the view under usual good-faith principles for non-insane views.
I am glad you at least have some kind of support group going on.
! is getting there! A lot more activity lately. Though I’m still up for moving it if needs be.
Looks cool. I’m voluntarily blocking so I can’t see your community. But if you move it I’ll be happy to scroll through, I love fantasy genre.
Agreed, ML is no go.
We can still revisit in a few days/weeks
! is doing fine, solid growth in subscribers and a trend toward engagement increases.
I just wish there would be more regular posters.
Busy with ! and !
What’s the situation between ! and !
! continues to chug along. Passed 800 subs recently but engagement varies a lot by post.
I’ve been making an active effort to start posting in ! over the past month or so, even though it seems mostly abandoned by its mod.