I’m not celebrating him; I’m celebrating the death of a greedy billionaire who denied more claims than any other insurance company. His actions got thousands of people killed. He and every billionaire on the planet deserve the death sentence. Preferably handed down by a judge, but I’ll take what I can get. They do nothing except hog resources and steal from working people like you and me.
Just look at France. They have amazing healthcare and the best workplace conditions of any country in the world (an entire month of paid vacation, every year!), but they had to behead several elites to get to that point. America needs another similar revolution. Bringing out the guillotines is the only thing these heartless pieces of shit understand. They are evil and deserve to die.
There is no evidence that Luigi killed anyone. Innocent until proven guilty.
You don’t get to celebrate him for doing the murder white also claiming he didn’t do it.
I’m not celebrating him; I’m celebrating the death of a greedy billionaire who denied more claims than any other insurance company. His actions got thousands of people killed. He and every billionaire on the planet deserve the death sentence. Preferably handed down by a judge, but I’ll take what I can get. They do nothing except hog resources and steal from working people like you and me.
Just look at France. They have amazing healthcare and the best workplace conditions of any country in the world (an entire month of paid vacation, every year!), but they had to behead several elites to get to that point. America needs another similar revolution. Bringing out the guillotines is the only thing these heartless pieces of shit understand. They are evil and deserve to die.