Zelensky - king of America.
Why wasn’t there an interpreter? I know that Zelensky speaks English, but isn’t one kind of mandatory?
DOGE probably fired all the interpreters in an effort to reduce government spending… while also awarding millions of dollars worth of contracts to musk?
You’d be hard pressed to find an imterpreter that can translate trumps incomprehensible babble into something most people can understand.
I mean they don’t need to translate trump. Zelensky can definitely understand well enough. But you can tell he definitely losing some ability to not respond in his native tongue. So I think a one way translator to English would be helpful.
translating what Zelenskyy was muttering would probably cause an even bigger diplomatic incident
He’s right though. Vance is a bitch
The bitchiest bitch
That’s a whole other issue, though
well in fairness, trump can’t sit up that straight. you need a spine to do that
… entirely seriously, he does not seem to be able to actually stand up straight.
There are hundreds or thousands of photos where he is like this, this very strange forward posture.
He… almost certainly has some kind of diagnosable posture/spine related condition.
IIRC this is when trump tried his yanking handshake but Trudeau was ready for it, and I guess Trump refused to take a step forward
Isn’t it his shoe lifts that do that?
i once read that trump stands like the human part of a centaur without the horse body and I can’t not see it now…
I’d mostly seen it drawn/shopped memes.
IIRC, the long-standing rumor is that he’s got heel lifts in his shoes to make himself seem taller.
heel lifts in his shoes
Also, make-up, hair job, false eyebrows, girdle, and wears pampers.
His VP wears eye-liner.
They are heroes of our manly right wing.
While highly probable, that alone doesn’t cause one to stand like this. There must be some insane degree of anterior pelvic tilt going on.
There must be some insane degree of anterior pelvic tilt going on.
Is this fancy words for ‘weird butt’?
Probably to counter weight his full diaper
Its frontoparietal dementia.
Perhaps it’s a weird compensation issue because he never learned to walk right with them. Like I’m 5’5 with a bit of an odd posture at times, his posture really vaguely looks like mine when I get new boots. Mind you after a week I’m moving in work boots like they’re leather gymnastics boots but still. Though there’s also the difference that I favor my right shoulder with my lean.
He’s has 3 inch lifts.
I thought he was pretty tall to begin with
Trudeau is 6’2", and the two men appear about the same height in that photo. In images of the 2016 Republican debate, he appears to be only slightly taller than Ted Cruz (5’10"), and not even close to as tall as Jeb Bush (6’3").
Look at the left shoe. It’s already got a good size heel, plus the crease where the flex for the toe joints would be is just a couple inches below the laces. Dudes got high heels and lift inserts. Probably a good 3+ inches.
I think Desantis did the same thing, his boots had the creases way high up plus a way higher bridge in the boot to compensate for the lifts.
He has to counter-balance his dumptruck
You mean the shit in his diaper?
I feel bad for Trudeau having to get so close to that disgusting thing.
That posture makes you look less fat from the front. And like half a centaur from the side.
On reddit, someone call this posture a frontaur
We can only hope the front falls off soon.
Unfortunately, that’s not very typical.
his wierd diaper counterbalances the front.
It’s the downside of being such a massive asshole, if he stood straight he’d fall backwards.
That and it always looks like he’s about to badly touch others
It’s the high heels that give him this posture… And the fact that he never exercised in his lifetime.
Yeah, everyone knows that golf isn’t a real sport
It got added to the Olympics in 2016, which if anything confirms my theory that any “sport” added to the Olympics in the last 10 years or so has been added solely so white people can win some medals.
Looks like a nice hobby though
(Man did I piss off my colleague when saying that)
It’s like those Instagram models who always rotate their hips backwards to push their ass out.
Are we sure that he’s not secretly Michael Jackson?
That was so awkward
One could sit straight if they had some morals to prop themselves up, in the event they don’t have a spine.
Oh, wait…
the moral fiber of donald trump’s being are much like the fiber he ingests at mealtime: nonexistent.
His lack of moral fiber contributes to him being full of shit.
His spine is installed by russia
He has a girdle and a cumbersome diaper
If that’s how Zelenskyy has to hold his dick, it’s got to be massive.
More seriously, Zelenskyy stands up to Putin.
Why would be be scared of trump, who doesn’t?Trump is such a weak, insecure and petulant man.
Trump was recruited by the KGB in 87. Putin is literally his boss. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/
Ikr? The other guy will literally torture and kill him given the chance.
Let’s be honest… This image analysis makes more sense than the “deal” from the view of Selenski…
Alpha alpha beta alpha. Beta beta alpha gamma beta alpha beta. Beta beta gamma beta alpha beta gamma. Omeeeega
Damn… These omegaverse fanfics are getting a bit out of hand.
Based based based cringe cringe cringe. Le boomer? Le zoomer! Zoomer go zoom zoom zoomies!
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Yes, certainly Zelensky is the baby. Very astute.
You Trumpfuckers are truly delusional. Just give it up already, he’s not gonna finish in your mouth.
I think it’s safe to say you don’t speak for everyone.
Are you for real? I’m curious as to why you’d say that. genuine rn
Stir anger
I mean most likely, but I’m still curious.
They should have thought about consequences when doing 2013 coup, then not abiding by Minsk accords, then refusing to settle in 2022 (both before the invasion and in turkey).
Zelenskyy wasn’t president in 2013. The revolution in Ukraine isn’t a pretext for the invasion of Crimea.
Also, the treatment of people in Luhansk and Donetsk is wayyyyyy overblown for propaganda purposes. I have family in Ukraine. Why is Russia bombing civilians in Kyiv, Odessa and many more cities? What has the people done?
You speak of Minsk accords, what about the Budapest memorandum? What about attacking and breaking many ceasefires?
What about Bucha? Putin is a war criminal and the whole of Europe and Canada is supporting Ukraine against this war. Biden was too, now Trump has turned his back on the world and came towards his master Putin. How about that « baby »?
Russia is an imperial country and wants nothing less than to destroy the West. Why do you wish for that?
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Go home? With all due respect, you’re writing this on a European social media.And Europe made it clear where they stand. So fuck off
You don’t speak for everyone. Take your childishness and incomplete spelling home and get educated. Please and thank you.
Spoken like a true man child.
Aside from Trump, you must be the dumbest person in any room if you think rewarding Russia for invading Ukraine is a good move. History has shown those of us who know it that imperialist conquest must be met with all kinds of forceful opposition.
It was already a mistake for the world (including the US under Obama) for not pushing back hard when Russia took Crimea, and it would be an even bigger one to let them take another huge slice of Ukraine today.
Ukraine has paid their fair share in this war–they have paid with the blood of their people. But dumbfuck Trump is so desperate to give his “buddy” Putin a win here, and to join in the shakedown of Ukraine for “mineral rights” that wont mean fuck all when Russia continues his campaign and takes the rest of the country. Like seriously, what fucking good will all those minerals be worth when they end up within Russia’s borders?
It’s the dumbest plan of all time, it’s a shakedown of a nation that has already been invaded, and if we give up on Ukraine it will ultimately lead to a broader war that Europe and USA will have to fight themselves, because there will be no Ukrainians left to fight on our behalf.
This is the darkest moment in American geopolitical history. We can’t even pretend to be a country of values or valor anymore. We’re a pathetic country of greedy short-sighted cowards in ill-fitting business suits and we are inviting the war to us.
Leavitt said that was different because the billionaire Tesla CEO is not the leader of a “sovereign nation.”
Are you sure about that?
rump is such a cuck
So are we now calling this the “trump” chair?
Heh, apparently you are correct.
They are both two human beings with serious mental problems
both you and trump?
I’m not an authoritarian ruler drafting people by force and i don’t go around the world hanging out with corrupted criminals. The two human with serious mental problems are the ones in the picture
Did Ukraine start drafting by force before or after Russia incited war against them?
There are no conditions under which slavery is justified. By copying russia you become like them.
So your logic is that Ukraine shouldn’t forcibly draft citizens into the military because otherwise, they’ll be just like Russia? You know what happens when they don’t have enough soldiers to fight off Russia? They become Russia
I’m sure your boss at the Russian troll farm would advise you to move on from this one.
Also, there is a very clear and distinct difference between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine attempted peaceful cease-fire agreements, Russia didn’t listen.
👶👶👶dey awe bowf too hooman beans wif seweus mentel pwobwems👶👶👶
I didn’t mean to offend you Ricky or anyone else you suffer from illness. These individuals are addicted to power and wealth beyond any limit and are some of the greediest people on earth. Their problems needs to be acknowledged and addressed because we are all paying for their wrongdoings.
Bruh, how is defending your country against the invasion of a super power related to wrongdoings of any sort? The hell is wrong with you?
Drafting people by force and not allowing any male 18-60 from leaving the country is defending your authoritarian government not much your people.
That’s kinda what happens when you’re being attacked. If everyone just fucks off, Ivan will waltz right in and take over. Fuck that.
Why would they walk off? Are you implying ukrainians are defending themself only because they are being forced to do it by their own government?