I often find non-marxist political science frustrating in ways I can’t describe. It always seems focuses on the wrong things yet I don’t have the foundation to even begin to critique it.
I often find non-marxist political science frustrating in ways I can’t describe. It always seems focuses on the wrong things yet I don’t have the foundation to even begin to critique it.
The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities Capital in the 21st century Principles of Economics by Menger The labour tradition and the paradoxers of politics the little blue book: the essential guide to thinking and talking democratic Arneson, Richard (1982), ‘The Principle of Fairness and Free-Rider Problems’ Simmons, A. John (1979), ‘The Principle of Fair Play’ Also the books in this list: https://old.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/wiki/readinglist (don’t actually look at the posts, it’s pretty cringe)
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