Agreed! I don’t put bills there for that reason. I used to be the finance director for a large community event, very cash dependant. And we definitely got nasty sweaty boob money, money soaked in beer, you name it. The cash counting machines had trouble with it, so a lot had to be hand counted. Handling so much cash with mystery wetness was one of the less pleasant aspects of the job.
Working in the service industry, I have refused boob-money before. It’s very gross to keep something there that you intend to hand other people.
Agreed! I don’t put bills there for that reason. I used to be the finance director for a large community event, very cash dependant. And we definitely got nasty sweaty boob money, money soaked in beer, you name it. The cash counting machines had trouble with it, so a lot had to be hand counted. Handling so much cash with mystery wetness was one of the less pleasant aspects of the job.