Want to idly chit chat but don’t want to do a post? Post here!
I have 5 more weeks until I’m finally done with my college degree, but I don’t wanna do work. Like no, I don’t wanna read about copyright law in my communication law and ethics course, I wanna walk around outside in the beautiful spring weather (ofc I’m gonna do it because I literally have my cap and gown and it would be embarrassing to fail this late in the game).
Also I get my hair done next week: dying my hair an ombre burgundy! Be prepared for a hair post when it happens. I’ve always wanted to dye my hair a fun color.
Burgundy hair sounds good, definitely worth a post!
I keep wanting to dye my hair something more interesting than mousey brown, but I can’t be arsed with the faff of root touch ups at the moment… last time I dyed it something fun I went for blue, and it came out a blue/black but like really black so it looked like I had Roy Orbison/Clarke Kent hair
I still keep eyeing up the red hair colour on the shelf though
This is why i’m doing Ombre. I can’t afford to go to a salon regularly for dye touch ups. My belief is that if I go ombre, then as my hair grows it’s not a big deal. Here’s the vision:
This color:
And I want it to flow like this:
Wow that would look amazing!
Today I’ve got a plasterer in doing the hallway so I’m really looking forward to dust getting everywhere. Also picking up a ceiling lampshade that someone’s giving away for free on Facebook, hurrah!
(hoping it’s okay to comment here)
Just wanted to say it’s cool that you added a logo!
As another general note, to avoid people like me commenting on this kind of threads while I’m not a woman, would it maybe be possible to consider a rule with “non woman should only comment as second-level comments”? I’ve seen this on a few subreddits, it helps ensuring women comments are the most visible.
Thanks Blaze, not sure what you mean so I’m just gonna DM you